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Teen Age Parent Program (TAPP)

Butterfield Charter School offers a welcoming and accommodating education program for teen parents. The Teen Age Parent Program (TAPP) is available to both expectant and current mothers and father enrolled in any of BCS' educational program options. 
Additionally, students have access to a myriad of school and community resources. TAPP provides comprehensive case management to help ensure that expectant and parenting families have access to all available health, education and social services for which they are eligible. 
Enrollment in our TAPP program is by family or school referral.
Q: What are my school rights as a pregnant or parenting youth?
A: Attend your assigned public school and get an education. To receive the support you need to learn. This includes support you may need when you are pregnant or a parent in school, like special permission to go to the bathroom when you need or not having to take P.E. if a doctor says you shouldn't while pregnant. To be free from discrimination or bullying, including being a from being a pregnant or parenting teen. To not be pushed or marked tardy or truant for missing school for health reasons (like medical appointments or sickness) or for childcare reasons. 
Q: What does attending TAPP look like? 
A. To be in the TAPP program students must enroll at Butterfield Charter School. A high school counselor referral is required. Students may request Short Term Independent Study program once the doctor recommends student is not able to attend school. Note: Being an expectant or current teen parent does not automatically guarantee referral acceptance.