Porterville Alternative Success Solutions (PASS) is an alternative discipline intervention available to PUSD families of students in grades 6 - 12. This program is targeted at students who are in violation of district policies. Students are provided a structured learning environment at the Porterville Educational Complex.


The goal of PASS is to provide students the opportunity to acquire appropriate social-emotional skills and strategies to be successful in life.



  • Provide the opportunity to equip PUSD students with social-emotional skills and strategies to avoid repeating suspendable behaviors.
  • Reduce the total number of PUSD suspensions and expulsions.
  • Create a successful and adaptable model for an alternative to suspension. 

Q: How will PASS benefit my child?

A: PASS is a structured program where students learn skills and strategies to be successful while remaining current on their core classwork. Additionally, parents are provided counseling related to their child's offense. The purpose of this is to work as a team to rehabilitate the behavior of your student and help support in making better choices.


Q: Is PASS a mandatory program for my child to participate in?

A: PASS is a voluntary intervention program in lieu of a school suspension or expulsion. Research shows that providing alternatives to suspensions can be much more effective in getting students’ behaviors to change.


To participate in PASS, School Administration must recommend program participation and both parent and student must voluntarily agree to enroll. 


Students who choose to participate and maintain good program standing may be eligible to continue participation in extracurricular activities on campus.


Q: What are the program hours?

A: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday:

8:45 AM – 3:00 PM


8:45 AM – 1:45 PM


Q: How long will my child be in PASS?

Program participation is for a maximum of 15 days. 


Q: Is transportation provided?

As a voluntary alternative to suspension, students do not receive district transportation. Parents are responsible for the daily transportation of the student. Additionally, public transportation is available on Pioneer Ave. Students are encouraged to purchase a student monthly pass.


Q: What will my child be doing while in PASS?

While in PASS, students complete core grade-level curriculum with the support and guidance of an assigned credentialed teacher. 


Students also have access to additional resources on campus including school counselors, school psychologists, art therapy, group and individual counseling, mindfulness, alcohol and drug education and treatment, and general academic counseling.


Q: Are Recovery Resources services mandatory?

Yes, counseling services for students are a component of the PASS program.




Teacher – Mr. Ennis

Drug & Alcohol Counselor - Ms. Randolph


Porterville Educational Complex

900 W. Pioneer Ave.
Porterville, CA 93257


Reflect & improve on choices made ~ Learn from mistakes & restore what has been done