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Student Policies


The following conduct is expected of all Broncos at all times.  

Weekly Teacher Meetings

Students are expected to:

  1. Be on time
  2. Stay the entire assigned instructional time
  3. Have work completed
  4. Have all tests completed, prior to teacher meeting
  5. Keep phone on silent and out of sight in teacher station or testing room- not during instructional time. Will follow Cell Phone Policy. 
  6. If absent, parent must call front office notify ahead of time, provide doctors note if possible and reschedule/makeup appointment in the same week. Anita/Rebecca will document in Aeries. 

While on Campus

Students are expected to:

  1. Sign in AND out
  2. Comply with the dress code (body covered, hats off, hoodies down, appropriate graphics, etc.)
  3. Attend Seat-Based Classes on time and stay the entire class
  4. When on campus, but not assigned time, students must work in the classroom with their assigned teacher
  5. Take tests in the Bookstore/Testing Room, or with supervised IS teacher.
  6. Work in the Creation Lab only if you are assigned

Student Nutrition Meals

Students are expected to:

  1. Eat their meals at the tables
  2. Eat meals outside of your Teacher Meeting and Seat-Based Class time
  3. Clean up your mess

Failure to comply with this conduct may result in disciplinary action or dismissal from Butterfield Charter School.

Cell Phone Policy

  • Cell phones, earbuds, and headphones will remain in backpacks or purses during class time. 
  • They may be used before school, between classes, at lunch time, and after school.
  • Emergency/Important Call: You must have written permission from the principal or secretary to keep your phone out, on vibration, and turned upside down on your desk while you await your call.

If you choose to have your phone out in class: 

  • 1st Offense: Warning from teacher
  • 2nd Offense: Confiscation: phone is sent to the office and can be picked up at the end of the day
  • 3rd Offense: Confiscation: phone is sent to the office and you must meet with the principal or vice principal
  • 4th Offense: Confiscation: phone is sent to the office and will not be released until a parent conference is held



Student enrolled in the Independent Study program option are expected to attend their weekly assigned instructional appointments with their assigned teacher. It is recommended to NOT make any doctor, family trips, or other appointments on your assigned school day. Make-up appointments not always available.

Note: Missing one (1) appointment is equivalent to five (5) days absent.